Page 12 - February Newsletter
P. 12

Living the 4-H Pledge By: Jake Faulkender“I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, andmy Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”This is the pledge that every 4-H member knows and hopefully truly believes in. But, at times, we have to ask ourselves if we are just saying the pledge or if we are living it. Most, If not all, 4-Hrs involve themselves with com- munity service at somepoint in their 4-H career and give back to the community that gives them the opportu- nities they get. And some- times, it's just tough to find areas that need attention.This article will hope- fully give you a few ideas of where your time could be spent.The beginning of the new year is an excellent time for a fresh start. You can gather hygiene care supplies, like soap, shampoo, razors, and other items to donate. These can be dropped off at the local food bank or Exten- sion office. Februarywould be the month for shar- ing love and sending Valen- tine's Day cards to nursing homes.There are many more simple ones, too! Like re-membering to send thank you notes to anyone who helped you at the fair. Be sureto sign them and let them know who you are. Septem- ber might be a good time to thank our service members.These can all be activi- ties done as a club, and Ifyou’d like the handout listing an Idea for each month of the year, you can email meat or call the office (785-671-3245) on a weekday between the hours of 8 am and 4:30pm for more information!Recourses: “Wildcat District, Live the Pledge handout for finding communi- ty service opportunities.”

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