Page 7 - February Newsletter
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K-State Producer DayJoin us for K-State Junior Sheep Producer Day on Saturday, March 16, 2024, in Weber Hall on the Kansas State University campus. Presentations and demonstrations will be provided by featured guests, as well as K-State faculty, staff, and students. This event will be a fun-filled, educational day of activities in which youth, parents, extension agents, and sheep project leaders can increase their knowledge of youth sheep project selection and management. Topics include project selection, nutrition and feeding, facilities, health, reproduction, meat science, wool, clipping and grooming, showmanship, and an optional YQCA certification at the end of the day. This event is designed for all ages and skill levels. Lunch is included. The registration fee is $20/person for those whosign up by February 26, or $25/person for those who register after that date. Only those who register by February 26 will receive a t-shirt. This is a family event! Anyone attending, including both youth and adults, must register.feb. 26Scan Me!8:30AM Check-in & Registration 9:30AM Welcome9:45AM Project Selection10:30AM Morning Breakout Sessions- Nutrition, Facilities & Equipment, Starter Flock NOON Lunch12:45PM Health1:30PM Afternoon Breakout Sessions- Wool, Showmanship, Clipping & Grooming 3:45PM Wrap-up & Dismissal4:00PM YQCA Certification & State Livestock Nominations (optional)Registration Deadline: February 26 Registration Fee: $20/personRegistration Link: Late Registration: $25/person*All attendees must register, including youth & adults. **Late registrants will not receive a t-shirt.***To register by mail, contact Lexie for a form.K-State Research and Extension and the Department of Animal Sciences & Industry, or their assignees, reserve the right to photograph, record the image and/or voice of participants for future research, educational, or promotional purposes. By attending, you provide consent to the above items and waive all rights to claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use ofsaid images or recordings, unless you notify event organizers you withhold consent, in writing, prior to the event.QuestionsMarch 16K-State, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating. All educational programs and materials available without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability.Lexie Hayes 785-532-1264