Page 15 - March Newsletter
P. 15

SOIL ANALYSIS FORPRODUCERS &HOMEOWNERSSpring is fast approaching! That means it's almost time to start prepping your garden and/or crop fields for the growing season.This is something the Extension office is happy to help you with. The Samples sent to the lab are dried in an oven overnight and ground with a pulverizing-type grinder the next morning. Most of the analysis will be completed after grinding or the following day. Once the data is complete and has been reviewed, sample information sheets are printed and emailed/mailed to the producer or homeowner.Samples are kept on storage shelves for a time so that they may be available for additional analysis by request.You will need:Auger, spade, or soil testing probeClean & dry bucketLabeled sampling bagCompleted soil sampling information sheetSample collection will vary depending on the tests and the soil type being collected.Please label all samples and completely fill out the sample information sheets so lab analysis and processing can occur efficiently.Contact your local extension office if:You need supplies such as sample bags or sheetsWould like to rent out soil probesWould like help collecting your samples.Soil Sample Collection StepsDraw a map of the area to be sampled on the information sheet and divide your fields into uniform areas. Each area should have the same soil texture, color, slope, and previous fertilization and cropping history.From each area, take a sample consisting of 20 to 30 cores or slices, mix thoroughly in a clean container, and then fill your soil container from this mixture.Be sure to label the soil container clearly with a Sample ID and record each Sample ID on the information sheet.Air dry samples as soon as possible for the nitrogen test. Air drying samples that will be shipped is also desirable.For more information, visit or reach out to your local extension office.

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